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Prevent These Common Slip, Trip and Fall Hazards In Your Facility

Jul 5, 2018 10:21:29 AM / by Quad City Safety

When it comes to unnecessary injuries and deaths on the job, it’s no laughing matter. Bacon takes workplace safety very seriously — especially in the case of slips, trips and falls.

Did you know that slip, trip and fall incidents make up the majority of general industry accidents? That’s kind of crazy when you think of all the dangerous equipment and hazardous conditions workers face every day.

 Who would have thought slips, trips and falls would be the biggie? 

But, they are — accounting for 15% of all accidental deaths! That’s coming in second only to car accidents. That adds up to somewhere in the neighborhood of 12,000 deaths a year.  What’s worse is that these accidents were preventable.

If you want to keep workers safe, avoid loss of productivity, higher insurance premiums and worker replacement costs, you’ll want to listen up. 
That’s why Bacon wants to get serious and share some of his safety smarts with you.  


Catch These Common Slip, Trip & Fall Risks Before They Catch You  Not only are slips, trips and falls (STF) one of the biggest causes of workplace deaths. They’re also one of the most frequently reported for injuries. Holding steady at 25% of all annual reported claims, it’s obvious that most safety programs out there still need a little work.   Do you recognize any of these common STF issues in your facility or jobsite?   Slip Hazards  Time to throw around a fancy term to get your attention — Coefficient of Friction.   If you’re not sure what that is, it’s basically the ability for one surface to move horizontally over another. Think: An oily floor and a basic pair of tennis shoes. That doesn’t end well, does it?  Look around your work space and see if you spot any of the following:    Freshly polished floors Lubricating oil Sand or sawdust Motor oil Poor draining Metal surfaces Grease Food oil Water Ice    Trip Hazards  A good portion of the time, poor housekeeping and human error is to blame for trips at work. Is the workplace clean and free from clutter? Have damaged walkways and floors been repaired? Do you follow the old motto, “A place for everything and everything in its place”? If not, there’s no better time than now to start.   Look around your work space and see if you spot any of the following:    Uneven walking surfaces Loose flooring, carpet or mats Sloped walkways Electrical cords Damaged flooring Air hoses  Poor lighting    Fall Hazards  Whether we’re talking a fall off of a step stool or one from the 4th floor, falls are no joke. Falls usually occur when someone loses their center of balance. Workers can experience falls at the same level or fall to a lower level.   Look around your work space and see if you spot any of the following:   Lack of guardrails on skylight openings Lack of railings with toeboards Lack of floor hole covers Broken ladders Portable ladders Leading edges Loading docks Missing stair rails  Holes in walls  Poorly lit stairways Lack of fixed stairs Ramps

 Now you’re a slip, trip and fall-spotting mastermind.

What’s next? 

You’ve addressed the hazards on your work site. You’ve cleaned up the mess, you’ve organized the space and engineered out the risks as much as possible. That’s it, right? WRONG.


Don’t forget to take special measures to avoid these issues again in the future. Take a look at your workplace design and try to find other ways to improve. Guardrails, rope descent systems, dockboards, handrails, safety signs, anti-slip adhesive tape and moisture absorbent mats are just a few options that can help.

Workers should also be provided with PPE like slip-resistant footwear, fall protection systems or safety monitors. By budgeting out a few dollars for safety equipment like this, you’ll save yourself countless dollars down the road.

Unnecessary injuries and deaths from slips, trips and falls on your walking working surfaces are preventable. Let us know if we can help you create a safer workplace by clicking here.  

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Safety: It’s Your Life, It’s Our Business

Topics: hazards, PPE, Facility Safety, Protective Footwear, Bacon's Safety Tips, educational, Foot Protection