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I transitioned all safety supplies to Quad City Safety for an average of 34% savings from previous vendors used. Quad City Safety supports Clipper’s safety needs 100%. They have visited windfarm sites and did safety audits and made valuable recommendations.
Quad City Safety has been there to assist us whenever we have called upon. This has included the normal type of PPE issues that any safety professional deals with but also unique “one off” ones as well. I would just like to thank you for the support you have provided. and keep up the great work!
... thank you for all the help that, Quad City Safety Supply has given to myself and URS. You have beat other venders cost, supplied us with quality PPE that the employees actually enjoy wearing; more importantly you have gone above and beyond your legal obligation to get the product to us, even if you had to drive and pick the order up yourself (which has happened on several occasions).
Thank you Quad City Safety for the second to none service I have been fortunate enough to enjoy at the Iowa fertilizer Project in Wever, Iowa. In the 18 years I've been in the industry the level of service, quality of products, diversity of products, price and willingness to find a solution to overcome any obstacle is truly top shelf.
QC Safety has been a great long-term partner for me in the field, I have a question and they get it answered- often with a letter or engineered docs. Nothing worse than sitting in the field without answers.
Think you know your stuff?
There’s a lot of bad information floating around out there. Bad advice that could get someone hurt, or worse. If you’ve got a lick of sense you know you can’t believe everything you hear. That’s why we spent years creating a helpful and up-to-date resource you can turn to for all things safety. Here, you’ll find the expert advice you need for safety equipment, PPE, regulations, standards and more.
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Your one-stop-shop for anything and everything safety.
Real safety solutions that work for you.
Not some silly nonsense a bunch of suits thought up.
50 years of experience — that’s what Quad City Safety offers the workforce. We can tell you a thing or two about jobsite safety, because we know a thing or two. We stay up-to-date with information on regulations, standards and best practices.
We have to. It’s what we do.
Looking for a reliable safety partner for on-site training, services, surveys and support? Not sure what you need? Either way, we can help.
We’re committed to worker safety. We’re not gonna let you fail.